作者 Admin1 浏览 发布时间 2016/10/12
随着电讯行业的全球化,在该行业中设立一套统一的质量体系要求,已经成为全世界电讯企业的共同需求。1996年春,以贝尔公司为首的一些电讯业知名的服务提供商提出要制定一个统一的质量体系标准,并于1997年10月成立了QuEST论坛(Quality Excellence for Suppiers of Telecommunications Forum)。QuEST论坛是一个电讯业服务提供商和产品制造商之间合作和沟通的世界论坛,其目标是统一所有电讯业的质量体系标准,在现有标准和实践的基础上制订和保持一个通用的电讯业质量体系管理标准TL9000。目前成员包括AT&T、MCI、爱立信、诺基亚、西门子、3M等,论坛负责该标准的制定、发布和修改,并保持TL9000和其他标准的一致性。 Along with rapid developing of telecommunication industry, it is necessary to establish a common set of quality management system.Some famous telecommunication companies such asBell Atlantic,founded the Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications (QuEST) Forum to foster continued improvements to the quality and reliability of telecommunications service. The members include AT&T,MCI,Ericsson,Nokia,Siemens,3M etc.It is committed to developing and maintaining a common set of quality system requirements TL9000 for the telecommunications industry, worldwide, including reportable cost and performance-based metrics for the industry. It is responsible for maintenance and develop of the standard.
TL9000标准共分两大部分--质量体系要求和质量体系指标。质量体系要求为电讯产品(硬件、软件和服务)的供方建立了一套通用的质量体系要求,这些要求是在现有的行业标准(包括ISO9000国际标准)的基础之上制定的;质量体系指标定义了一系列最基本绩效指标,以衡量和评价质量体系运行的结果。TL9000是电信行业版本的ISO9001,同时增加了其它的条款来直接反映电信行业特有的需求。The purpose of TL 9000 is to define the telecommunications quality system requirements for the design, development, production, delivery, installation, and maintenance of products and services. Included in TL 9000 are cost and performance-based metrics that measure reliability and quality performance of the products and services.TL 9000 is the telecommunications industry's version of ISO 9001:2000 with additional requirements which directly represents the specific needs of the telecom communications industry.
推行TL9000的好处benefits of implementing TL 9000
• 提高通讯电子产品的质量和客户的满意度Increasing products quality and customers satisfaction
• 加强客户和供应商的沟通Enhanced customer-supplier relationships
• 统一全球电讯业的质量体系标准Harmonization of quality system requirement for telecommunication industry
• 全面降低成本,增加利润Overall cost reduction and increased competitiveness
• 使符合标准的供应商处于有利的竞争地位Enhanced management and improvement of suppliers' performance
• 对外部审核的有效管理Efficient management of external audits and site visits